Within the scope of the tender which was organized by the Directorate of Technical Works of Umraniye Municipality; flood assessment in two sub-basins in Umraniye District, determination and detection of existing facilities and preparation of stormwater drainage projects at necessary points.

Stormwater drainage basins were determined in Umraniye central neighborhoods. Total drainage area is approximately 800 ha. All existing stormwater lines within the subject drainage area were detected and identified in the field. According to the changing climatic conditions, the capacity was investigated and the insufficient ones were determined. In addition, where more deep research required, more precise determinations were made by camera investigation.

In the basin, a re-planning was made in places with no stormwater drainage lines and inadequate capacity. In total, a new 65 km drainage system was integrated into the existing system. In addition to basin analysis and new planning, approximate cost and tender documents were prepared.

  • Category: Water & Hydraulics

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